The Huston Foundation, a regional, national and international philanthropy is committed to serving Protestant Evangelical Christian needs worldwide and secular purposes regionally, through its grant making, as an investment in humanitarian needs.
The charitable interests of both founders are reflected in the Foundation’s overall mission and more specifically in the Protestant Evangelical Christian and Secular mission statements. It is important to note that while the Foundation operates as one non-profit corporate entity; distributions are divided between Protestant Evangelical Christian and Secular organizations. According to the directive established by the founders, a majority of the grants must be given to Protestant Evangelical Christian organizations. This has been the practice of the foundation since its inception in 1957.
By providing funds, technical assistance, collaboration, and networking on behalf of not-for-profit organizations, the Directors of the Foundation seek to encourage individual and Christ-centered development, which promotes personal evangelism and discipleship. In addition, the directors seek to encourage problem solving and innovative, practical approaches to meeting the changing needs of our regional, national, and international communities.
Protestant Evangelical Christian Mission Statement
The Protestant Evangelical Christian grant-making of the Huston Foundation is structured to honor the legacy of Ruth Huston and her parents Charles L. and Annie Huston. The primary interest of the Foundation is in funding ministries that have a strong Protestant, Christ-centered, Biblical-based foundation with an effective prayer ministry and unique calling by the Holy Spirit to promote evangelism and discipleship around the world. Ministries which subscribe to the building up of the Body of Christ with a deep commitment to and dependence upon the leading of the Holy Spirit to promote strong integrated programs and projects where the Biblical claims of Christ are presented side by side with any ministry involved.
Secular Mission Statement
The Secular grant making of the Huston Foundation strives to conform to the principles and directions established by Charles Lukens Huston, Jr., for the benefit of improving the quality of life through not-for-profit organizations recognized by the Internal Revenue Services as qualified to receive foundation grants. The Foundation directors strive toward effective and efficient stewardship in receiving, researching, and evaluating requests for funding and determining the amount of distribution of funds in grants in areas of education, health, human services, arts, culture, science, civic, community services, and environment.